Cosmetic surgery procedures for the face.

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The face you see in the mirror plays a major role in determining who you are, or at least who you seem to be. Because of your face's ability to express your inner feelings and make first impressions, it is important for it to look healthy and reflect your personality favorably. Aging, however, along with the harsh effects of the sun and other environmental factors, can make your face appear less vibrant than it once did. Fortunately, our experienced surgeon, Dr. Walter Zamarian in Londrina, Paraná, Brazil, provides exceptional facelift surgery, rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, and a variety of other cosmetic solutions using the latest techniques to help patients look and feel young, beautiful, and vibrant.

Facial plastic surgery


Like the eyelids, the nose is an important facial feature and deserves special attention from plastic surgeons to reach the best results. So, Dr Zamarian performs closed rhinoplasty with no external incisions, with the exception of the closing of the nostrils, and he is constantly searching for the most natural result possible.

With a precise technique developed during years of specialization with Dr. Pitanguy in Rio de Janeiro, Dr. Zamarian performs aesthetic rhinoplasty in thirty to forty minutes, and the patient recovers fast, being able to go back to work in two weeks’ time and return to his physical activities one month later.


The face develops visible signs of aging with time such as wrinkles, saggy tissues, excess eyelid skin associated with prominent fat pads, drooping structures such as the eyebrows and many more. Facelift is the surgical treatment that can bring a natural and relaxing appearance back to the face. After a three-hour facelift procedure, recovery is fast and most patients go back to work between ten to fourteen days, with a new look.

In this procedure, Dr. Zamarian treats the following facial structures: forehead, eyebrows, eyelids, nasolabial folds, vertical lip lines, the middle third of the face, and neck.

The forehead can be treated in two different ways: through coronal brow lift (larger incision) or video (five small incisions). Dr. Zamarian prefers to treat the forehead with a coronal incision, since results have proved to be more predictable and more lasting. Through an ear-to-ear incision, around two to three inches behind the hairline, the forehead is adequately exposed and the following muscle groups are approached: procerus, corrugators and frontalis. Additionally, the eyebrows, which many times are drooped due to aging, can be lifted, especially in their most lateral part, the eyebrow tail. This helps soften the wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyes, changing the expression of sadness and conferring a more jovial and attractive look.

Eyelids can be treated along with facelift or another isolated procedure. As we normally talk to people looking straight into their eyes, a blepharoplasty can have great impact on a person's look, being responsible for sixty percent of the result of a facelift combined with an eyelid surgery. During this procedure, we treat the excess skin and fat with small incisions. Recovery is fast, with stitches being removed in three days.

The nasolabial folds are deep wrinkles that come down from the nose wings to the corners of the mouth. During a facelift, the superior and lateral tractions of the skin may be sufficient to stretch the nasolabial folds. Nevertheless, an additional filling with hyaluronic acid may be needed either during the surgical procedure or later in the office.

The famous saggy cheeks or jowls correspond to drooping of skin and fat a bit laterally to the chin. This highly common condition is treated with liposuction and SMAS plication, which is a layer of tissue that covers the muscles of the face. After a facelift, the saggy appearance disappears along with the tired look.

Vertical lip lines are those wrinkles around the lips, especially on the upper one, and can be adequately treated with dermabrasion. They may also be treated as an isolated procedure, in the office, with local anesthesia and sedation.

The medium third of the face, located below the eyes and above the mandible/jowls, is treated with SMAS plication and skin excess removal. This brings out a more lasting and natural result, since skin traction is light, once the deep tissues have already been lifted.

An aging neck, also known as ”turkey neck”, has wrinkles, platysma bands and fat excess. Thus, Dr. Zamarian treats the neck region with liposuction, platysma plication and skin removal. It can also be treated separately, with a neck lift.


The eyelids play an important role in the aesthetics of the face. Therefore, Dr. Zamarian examines his patients carefully before recommending the best treatment for this noble area of the face. The surgery normally includes the removal of skin and fat bags, both from the upper and lower eyelids, but there may have some variations such as transconjunctival blepharoplasty or phenol peel for sagging lower eyelids.

Chin augmentation surgery

Patients with small or retracted chin may benefit from chin augmentation with solid silicone chin implants. The surgery is performed with an incision made inside the mouth to place the implant close to the bone, thus projecting the tissues (skin, fat and muscles) of the chin forward, in a highly natural way. The size is carefully chosen by Dr. Zamarian and the patients have utterly attractive results five days after the procedure, already.

Ear surgery

Plastic surgery of prominent ears can be performed at the age of six and older, preferably during the preschool period, to prevent bullying by schoolmates. However, many people stop worrying about them at this age, putting off the ear pinning procedure for later.

Otoplasty is a plastic surgery resource and details such as the antihelix fold and conchal angle can be improved with this procedure in less than an hour.

Buccal fat pad removal

Buccal fat removal involves reducing the Bichat's fat pad, a type of fat in the anterior part of the cheek that, if excessive, can give the face a rounder appearance. This surgery aims to reduce this fat through an incision inside the mouth, resulting in a slimmer and more youthful face.

Facial Rejuvenation and Harmonization with Fat Grafting

Facial fat grafting has the ability to add volume and, above all, rejuvenate the skin. This is because fat is a precursor of stem cells. Discover the miracles that fat grafting can achieve as a safe and effective facial aesthetic treatment.


Individuals who have deep wrinkles or scars on their faces as a result of aging, acne, or other facial trauma can undergo dermabrasion treatment at Clínica Zamarian to improve their appearance. During the procedure, Dr. Zamarian uses a high-speed rotary wheel to eliminate the top layers of skin and reveal smooth and flawless skin underneath. Patients who undergo dermabrasion treatment may experience redness and skin sensitivity for approximately one week. After the healing process, skin appears younger and more radiant. In just one hour, you can obtain beautiful, glowing skin that will last for years to come.

Nonsurgical procedures


The effects of time and the environment can leave a person’s face looking wrinkled and dull. Over time, people may develop fine lines, deep folds, and unsightly wrinkles on their faces. Clínica Zamarian offers patients BOTOX® injections to combat these troublesome signs of aging and regain a more youthful and vibrant appearance. Made from a highly diluted form of botulinum toxin type A, BOTOX® Cosmetic relaxes facial muscles to reduce the prominence of forehead wrinkles, frown lines, crow's feet, furrows, and more. BOTOX® injections are a quick and convenient way to erase years from your appearance for four to six months.

Botox can also be applied to cases of hyperhidrosis, helping patients control excessive sweating specially on armpits. Botox acts better on armpits while sympathectomy brings out the best results on the hands.


Hyaluronic acid is one of the components of collagen and is used as facial fillers with safety, with no side effects or allergies, and with natural and lasting results. The application is fast and can be done at the doctor’s office in about 15 to 20 minutes. Some areas that can benefit from this procedure are the lips, nasolabial folds, wrinkles and tear troughs.

Lip augmentation

Thin lips seem aged and unattractive. Lip augmentation can be performed with hyaluronic acid (Restylane, Perlane) or fat grafting, normally removed from the region around the umbilicus. An outpatient procedure, it can be performed in the office with immediate results. Fuller lips or lips with highlighted contours are very much in fashion. Contact the Zamarian Clinic to learn more about how to fill your lips and highlight their contours.

Would you like to have an improved face with natural results?

Contact us and schedule an appointment with Dr. Walter Zamarian Jr. at our Londrina, Paraná, Brazil office for facelift, rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, or any of the other exciting facial cosmetic surgery procedures that we offer.

Schedule a consultation for cosmetic surgery procedures on the face with Dr. Walter Zamarian Jr. in Brazil

Cosmetic plastic surgeon in Brazil

Rua João Wyclif, 111, Sala 1702
Londrina - PR
CEP 86050-450


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